Proběhlé projekty
Zde jsou projekty, na které jsme již vyslali naše české účastníky. Jde například o projekty o změně klimatu, aktivním zdravém životním stylu nebo digitálních dovednostech. Účastníci hradili veškeré cestovní náklady, ubytování a stravu.
Treat yourself
Pracovníci s dobrou znalostí duševního zdraví a pohody při práci s mládeží.
Projekt spojil 24 mladých lidí, pracovníků s mládeží, mládežnických lídrů a aktivistů ze Slovenska, Česka, Itálie, Španělska, Bulharska, Nizozemska, Finska a Turecka na 6denní mobilitě/školení pracovníků s mládeží. Během tohoto programu se můžete zúčastnit různých aktivit neformálního vzdělávání, workshopů a sdíleli osvědčené postupy s ostatními účastníky.
Cílem tohoto projektu bylo podělit se o příklady užitečných metod duševní pohody z každé partnerské země na národní a mezinárodní úrovni a identifikovat, jak je možné použít na blahobyt pracovníků s mládeží.
Pracovníci s mládeží získali kompetence a schopnost připravit si program osobní péče o sebe podle svých potřeb.
Zavázali jsme se také prokázat solidaritu v celém regionu, sdílet znalosti, osvědčené postupy a odborné znalosti. Proto jedním z výstupů projektu je praktická příručka, která shrn
uje užitečné informace na témata: strategie řešení problémů, syndrom vyhoření, sebeláska a sebepřijetí, spánková hygiena a jiné.
Do for you
We sent participants to the international training "Do For You", which was organized by the Slovakian association Youth for Equality, and which focused on deepening soft and green skills and green entrepreneurship. This project was financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund. Thank you very much for the rich participation, great program and huge added value.

Greening Skills of Young People
We sent our participants (youth workers) to the project "Greening Skills of Young People," which was organized by the Slovak organization Youth for Equality and financed with Erasmus plus. We educate youth workers on what are effective methods of deepening green skills for an effective green transition.

From Land to Ocean
"From Land to Ocean" was inspired by Projeto Gea, a volunteer movement for a better planet, which has been implementing clean-up campaigns in Portugal and collaborating with Liláz Association.
The exchange will start in the mountains and gradually finish in the ocean by combining different activities with cleanUp campaigns. The combination will help participants reconnect with nature and understand what types of trash they find according to the area, whether at an altitude, close to the city or the ocean.

10000 steps to heaven
The program that we are aiming to implement has a general topic regarding recreational sports outdoors. More specifically, our main matter is how we can exercise but at the same respect our environment and try to keep a general balance and harmony with it. Taking into account that nowadays the percentage of young people who live an unhealthy life, without understanding the severity of the matter, has sky rocketed with even more adolescent exercising less or not at all, not considering what they put into their bodies, taking up really unhealthy habits or not paying attention to their mental health, made us take a stance.
We would like to bring young people closer to healthier habits so as to not only make them understand the importance of physical and mental health but also give them the ability to make steps forward towards a better wholesome life. We would like to make them adopt a more active, healthy lifestyle close to nature and give them a variety of options that will suit them in their day to day life. We truly understand that todays youth has been brought up in front of a screen and that is what they always seek for. They are constantly looking or scrolling through their phones and social media or playing video games on their computer or other personal electronic device.
The phone screen has become an extension of their hand and most of the time they choose to spend time scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok looking and admiring virtual lives of other that cannot actually be attainable in real life, creating imaginary and unhealthy needs. It is an undeniable fact that today!s relationships have become more distant because people have lost interest in investing in them in a more substantial way, such as going on walks with friends or organizing physical activities like hikes or bicycle rides.

Act Green for a Week
One of the greatest challenges facing humanity, especially today, is climate change. Climate change can have implications that pose significant risks to human well-being and the natural environment. The aim of this programme is through experiential workshops, seminars, presentation of good practices, personal development sessions and specialized workshops for the participants to gain knowledge, skills and attitudes about climate change, but also the impact of nutrition on the ecological footprint. As well as the need to protect the environment. Environmental protection can be enhanced through the acquisition of new habits and the adoption of a lifestyle that can help combat climate change through recycling and composting, as well as the use of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, with waste reduction and non-use of plastic. In addition, emphasis will be placed on the importance of voluntary actions, garbage removal, actions that can work positively for the local community of the city where the programme is conducted, but also for setting an example for the local community and individuals who will see this action locally, on national and European level. Our team also considers the workshop with the individual ecological-biological vegetable garden, an important activity, through which the participants will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle, but also will be informed about the effect of even nutrition on the ecological footprint. Our goal is through this programme to strengthen the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the participants on issues related to climate change and the protection of the planet, through non-formal learning, the active participation of new participants and the activation and raising their awareness of a greener and inclusive Europe.

Critical thinking in digital world
The exchange "Critical thinking in digital world" did take place at the Murzasichle, from 22/04 to 28/04/2023 and was be attended by 36 people representing Poland, Lithuinia, Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Project was a response to the problems faced by contemporary young people using digital media regarding the blurring of the boundaries between fact and opinion, truth and falsehood, information and disinformation.
In particular, parrticipants developed the following skills:
• learning among young people the habit of fact-checking, that is the ability to find the desired information, capture manipulations, as well as combine various information from different sources and make a joint interpretation.
• Critical thinking, that is the ability to consider phenomena and experiences from many points of view and persistently strive for the truth.
• Civil courage understood as striving to defend one's beliefs even in difficult situations, when one risks reluctance of the environment or raising topics that others do not want to say aloud.
• The culture of discussion, in particular the principles of conducting the discussion.